What kind of church is christ evangelical church?

Steeped in tradition, stirred by the Spirit, sweetened with Love! From our monthly food drive for the Fish Food Pantry, to our biennial participation in an ecumenical Jamaican Medical Mission, the members and friends of Christ Evangelical Church are a mission-minded people. We offer a variety of groups for children, youth, and adults that provide opportunities for Christian growth and fellowship.

The traditional service is flavored with music by organ or keyboard, and the usual mix of Bible reading, prayers, and of course, the morning message. We practice open communion on the first Sunday of the month, and on special occasions throughout the year. Everyone is invited to participate in the sacrament who wishes to be in union with Christ and with one another.

what should i wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing!

will I have to say anything, sign anything, give anything, or be singled out in any way when I visit?

We invite our worship guests to sign a visitor information card, located at the table in the entrance of the church. This is the only offering we invite of our guests, but the choice is always yours. You will not be put on the spot, singled-out, or embarassed at all.

how do i become a member?

Joining is simple. Membership classes are available upon request to the Pastor. You can transfer from another congregation or join by affirmation of faith. We invite candidates for membership to practice a lifestyle that:

  • Orients their life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

  • Makes a conscientious effort to grow in the Christian faith

  • Develops a pattern of regular worship attendance

  • Presents a witness to others of the Word and work of Jesus Christ

  • Enlists oneself and one's giftedness in the mission of the church